Friday 4 September 2009


Hey everyone!

Chris here giving you a run down of whats going on! Today we've been working on the events for the first week of launch including trying to secure an awesome headline act and organizing a local band alldayer (If you wanna play this get in touch!!). Planning on the venue is now fully passed which is great and things are all go and we should be popping in to start painting in the next few weeks. We've secured some more funding so have the pennies rolling in which is great and means we can make this even more awesome than before. We are all really excited for the launch week and we are hoping to have a whole load of cool stuff going on from gigs to workshops and much more showing you all about the project. Remember to tell all your friends about the project and add them to our facebook here -

On personal note I went to Reading Festival last weekend and met bloody RON WEASLEY!!!!!! haha

More updates soon everyone!!!

Chris x


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